Nordic Deep Tech Business Summit Program

12:00 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Dr. Eric Zhang, BioFiber Tech

12:05 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Laura Koivusalo, StemSight

12:15 EEST

Session type: Keynote
Speakers: Mårten Skogö

13:55 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Sabrina Manisalco

14:00 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Kristina Lagerstedt

14:35 EEST

Session type: Fireside Chat
Speakers: Ekaterina Gianelli (moderator), Anne Badan

15:00 EEST

Session type: Keynote
Speakers: VTT Launchpad

15:15 EEST

Session type: Pitching
Teams: Carbonaide, Flow-computing, HyperMine, G-Dry, Granarium Technologies, HTM Solutions, Obview, Olefy, The Warming surfaces Company

10:15 EEST

Session type: Panel
Speakers: Taneli Tikka

11:00 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Ólafur Bogason

11:05 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Jarkko Antila

11:10 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Mari-Ann Meigo Fonseca

11:35 EEST

Session type: Panel
Speakers: Kimmo Isbjornssund (moderator), Raghunath Koduvayur, Tanja Karila, Peter Vesterbacka

12:20 EEST

Session type: Panel
Speakers: Terhi Vapola (moderator), Harry Brade, Juho Aminoff, Lise Rechsteiner

14:45 EEST

Session type: Panel
Speakers: Patrick Sobocki (moderator), Lise Rechsteiner, Jacob Fellman

15:20 EEST

Session type: Panel
Speakers: Iliam Barkino (moderator), Karim Engelmark Cassimjee, Lech Ignatowitcz

15:55 EEST

Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Terje Eichelmann

16:00 EEST
Session type: Showcase
Speakers: Tuure Parviainen

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