Mikko Möttönen

Professor of Quantum Technology at Aalto University

Mikko Möttönen is a Professor of Quantum Technology at Aalto University and VTT, working especially on superconducting quantum-electric circuits and ultrasensitive bolometers. He has published more than 140 scientific articles with more than 8,000 citations, including four articles in the top journals Nature and Science. He has received five ERC grants in total. Mikko graduated with a doctorate in technology in 2005 from the Department of Applied Physics at the Helsinki University of Technology.

 Although focusing on experimental quantum physics, Mikko has also made major theoretical contributions. Breakthroughs in research have enabled the commercialization of quantum-computing devices, including the spinout of IQM from his Quantum Computing and Devices (QCD) research group. Mikko is one of the four Co-Founders of IQM Quantum Computers. Recently, Mikko obtained the Nokia Recognition award, the Väisälä Science Prize, the Innovation Professor Award, and an Honorary Doctorate from Lappeenranta University of Technology. He was also elected as a member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and the Finnish Academy of Technology.

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