Susan Repo


Susan is currently the CFO at ICEYE, an earth observation satellite-based provider enabling
access to near-real-time data and solutions from space to empower better decision-making in
governmental and commercial industries. As CFO, Susan leads not only finance but also the
operations of ICEYE. Susan’s 25-year-plus career includes executive leadership roles with
MariaDB, Juniper Networks, Agilent Technologies, and Tesla, where she was instrumental in
building Tesla’s international footprint, raising their capital, and leading Tesla’s expansion into
alternative energy and its acquisition of SolarCity.
Susan serves on several boards of directors of U.S.-listed public companies at Matterport
(MTTR) and at Mitek Systems (MITK) and serves as the Chair of the Audit Committee and a
member of the Nom Gov Committees. Susan also serves on the board of directors of Fiskars
(FSKRS) and serves on the Audit Committee.

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